Shihan Thin Thin Lay, RN
New York, USA

Inamoto Sensei with Shihan ThinThin Lay
What struck me was the simplicity of his teaching. In addition to his personality of being outspoken yet humble, humoristic at times, I learn something deeper at each class I re-sitting. Deeper in several aspects: personal growth, Reiki practice, connection with the Source.
-Thin Thin Lay, RN
First Meeting with Inamoto Sensei in Asheville, NC
My first meeting with Inamoto Sensei was in April 2005. My friend Nita & I traveled to Asheville, NC to attend Komyo Reiki Shinpiden (Teacher Degree) Training. What struck me was the simplicity of his teaching. In addition to his personality of being outspoken yet humble, humoristic at times, I learn something deeper at each class I re-sitting. Deeper in several aspects: personal growth, Reiki practice, connection with the Source.
Importance of own spiritual practice of a Reiki Practitioner/Reiki Teacher
Komyo Reiki emphasize on the importance of spiritual practice of a Reiki Practitioner/Reiki Teacher. I believe Reiki is a gift of the Universe, As a Reiki Practitioner, you are responsible to keep, uphold, cherish and to share Reiki with others, as pure and intact as possible. In order to do that, you need to cleanse yourself, in other
words, get rid of your garbage, before channeling Reiki to someone else.
Trip to Japan
In 2008, we had an opportunity to travel to Asia for a month. Our first destination was Japan. One of my Reiki students from Japan met us at Narita Airport. We took the Shinkanzen bullet train to Kyoto. I phoned Inamoto Sensei from Tokyo train station and told him which train we would be taking. While checking in at Hotel reception in Kyoto, I felt that I had to turn around and look back, Sensei was there.
Reiju at Kurama-yama
The next day, another Reiki student of mine, from Tokyo, came to join us and we all headed to Kurama-yama in generous company of Inamoto Sensei.
We all received Reiju on top of Kurama-yama, unforgettable moment.
Sensei is more than a guide, a companion of all Reiki visitors who come, visit and pay homage to Kurama-yama, the mountain, on where Usui Sensei received the gift of Reiki, following 21 days fasting. Inamoto Sensei embodies Reiki and the Birthplace of Reiki.
Reiki Share in Kyoto
We had opportunity to attend Inamoto Sensei’s Reiki share in Kyoto in one of the temples. I was impressed with multi ethnicity present in the Reiki share. I met Reiki practitioners from France, Australia, Zen monk from Poland, etc
Komyo Reiki Retreat with INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei hosted by Shihan Thin Thin Lay

Komyo Reiki Retreat at Dai Bosatsu Zendo monastery
I am deeply honored to be able to host Komyo Reiki Retreat, Komyo Reiki Shinpiden Class taught by Sensei, in a healing ground like Dai Bosatsu Zendo. It is my way of expressing Gratitude to Inamoto Sensei.
Thin Thin Lay, R.N., has been a Certified Ohashiatsu® Consultant and Instructor since 2002. She was born in Burma (Myamar), studied and lived in Switzerland. Her oriental background, combined with her holistic nursing training, led her to Ohashiatsu with its use of 5 element theory and the use of energy meridian channels to maintain vibrant health and well-being. She incorporates Ohashiatsu in her Holistic Nursing Practice.
Thin Thin has a tranquil and compassionate disposition which creates an atmosphere of trust with her students as well as with her clients in her practice. She has working experience with people who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromuscular diseases like Parkinson. Thin Thin is an accomplished practitioner in treating back pain, shoulder/neck pain, knee and other joint diseases related to today’s work injuries.
I am deeply honored to be able to host Komyo Reiki Retreat, Komyo Reiki Shinpiden Class taught by Sensei, in a healing ground like Dai Bosatsu Zendo. It is my way of expressing Gratitude to Inamoto Sensei.
Thin Thin Lay, R.N., has been a Certified Ohashiatsu® Consultant and Instructor since 2002. She was born in Burma (Myamar), studied and lived in Switzerland. Her oriental background, combined with her holistic nursing training, led her to Ohashiatsu with its use of 5 element theory and the use of energy meridian channels to maintain vibrant health and well-being. She incorporates Ohashiatsu in her Holistic Nursing Practice.
Thin Thin has a tranquil and compassionate disposition which creates an atmosphere of trust with her students as well as with her clients in her practice. She has working experience with people who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromuscular diseases like Parkinson. Thin Thin is an accomplished practitioner in treating back pain, shoulder/neck pain, knee and other joint diseases related to today’s work injuries.
Dana Lisa YOUNG
Atlanta, Georgia USA

Shihan Dana Lisa Young
The heart of the practice is compassion, and its expression is in the gentle way we are encouraged to practice with discipline and openness, but without insistence on a prescriptive approach.
- Dana Lisa YOUNG
How did Reiki came to your life?
I experienced energy healing while on a business trip to India that had a very profound effect on me physically and spiritually. Physically, it completely relieved the neck and back pain I was experiencing at the time, but spiritually, it connected me with the vast potential of the infinite. I had a moment, hours after my brief encounter with the person who did the healing, where I was just dumbstruck with amazement.
When I returned to the U.S., I began seeking out teachers who taught the style of energy healing I received in India. There was no one immediately available anywhere near me, but during my search, I came across a mention of Reiki. I had practiced Japanese Zen meditation for years, so this immediately piqued my interest. The concepts and practice of Reiki deeply resonated with me in a way that was similar to the first time I sat zazen. I felt like I was home. Learning Reiki changed my life.
When and how did you meet InamotoSensei?
I met Sensei in NYC in 2010. Lilia Marquez connected with me via Facebook earlier that year, and mentioned that she was hosting her teacher, who taught Japanese-style Reiki. I checked out the link she sent me, and realized he was the same person whose translations of Reiki texts I had been reading and sharing with my students! I was very excited, since I was already learning about Japanese-style Reiki on my own. Having the opportunity to study with Sensei was the next natural step on my path.
I was waiting to sign in at the registration table at the META Center in NYC when Sensei walked into the room. I felt him first before I even saw him. The energy of his presence was warm and beautiful - like having a ray of sun touch your shoulder on a cloudy day. I knew I was in the right place and with the right teacher for me.
- Dana Lisa YOUNG
How did Reiki came to your life?
I experienced energy healing while on a business trip to India that had a very profound effect on me physically and spiritually. Physically, it completely relieved the neck and back pain I was experiencing at the time, but spiritually, it connected me with the vast potential of the infinite. I had a moment, hours after my brief encounter with the person who did the healing, where I was just dumbstruck with amazement.
When I returned to the U.S., I began seeking out teachers who taught the style of energy healing I received in India. There was no one immediately available anywhere near me, but during my search, I came across a mention of Reiki. I had practiced Japanese Zen meditation for years, so this immediately piqued my interest. The concepts and practice of Reiki deeply resonated with me in a way that was similar to the first time I sat zazen. I felt like I was home. Learning Reiki changed my life.
When and how did you meet InamotoSensei?
I met Sensei in NYC in 2010. Lilia Marquez connected with me via Facebook earlier that year, and mentioned that she was hosting her teacher, who taught Japanese-style Reiki. I checked out the link she sent me, and realized he was the same person whose translations of Reiki texts I had been reading and sharing with my students! I was very excited, since I was already learning about Japanese-style Reiki on my own. Having the opportunity to study with Sensei was the next natural step on my path.
I was waiting to sign in at the registration table at the META Center in NYC when Sensei walked into the room. I felt him first before I even saw him. The energy of his presence was warm and beautiful - like having a ray of sun touch your shoulder on a cloudy day. I knew I was in the right place and with the right teacher for me.
Komyo Reiki

Inamoto Sensei & Shihan Dana Lisa Young
What do like about Komyo Reiki?
I appreciate that Komyo Reiki is a simple, elegant system that emphasizes a personal path to healing and absolute inner peace without being rigid or dogmatic. The system, while remaining true to its roots, also reflects the spiritual understanding Sensei has gained from his years as a Buddhist monk. He teaches the system of Reiki without denigrating or denying anyone if their path differs from his.
The heart of the practice is compassion, and its expression is in the gentle way we are encouraged to practice with discipline and openness, but without insistence on a prescriptive approach. I have grown so much since learning Komyo Reiki, and I love teaching the system and practicing along with my students. I am so grateful to Sensei for sharing this practice with us, and to Lilia for introducing me to him.
I appreciate that Komyo Reiki is a simple, elegant system that emphasizes a personal path to healing and absolute inner peace without being rigid or dogmatic. The system, while remaining true to its roots, also reflects the spiritual understanding Sensei has gained from his years as a Buddhist monk. He teaches the system of Reiki without denigrating or denying anyone if their path differs from his.
The heart of the practice is compassion, and its expression is in the gentle way we are encouraged to practice with discipline and openness, but without insistence on a prescriptive approach. I have grown so much since learning Komyo Reiki, and I love teaching the system and practicing along with my students. I am so grateful to Sensei for sharing this practice with us, and to Lilia for introducing me to him.
Shihan Rita SHULMAN
New York, NY USA

Inamoto Sensei with Shihan Rita Shulman
Reiki has awakened the power inside me and showed me the way to my life purpose. I absolutely agree, when people say Reiki changes their lives for the better.
How did Reiki come to me?
It was a very difficult situation in my life. It was also the first time I did not know what to do. My friend recommended her Reiki teacher to me. The result was magnificent. Reiki has awakened the power inside me and showed me the way to my life purpose. I absolutely agree, when people say Reiki changes their lives for better.
When and how did you meet Inamoto Sensei?
I met InamotoSensei at the Komyo Reiki Shinpiden Training in October 2011 in New York City. It was an amazing experience! I highly recommend his class to all Reiki Practitioners.
What do like about Komyo Reiki?
Komoy Reiki is very friendly and very easy and simple to learn, even children can learn it. It is a great way to a happy and healthy life.
About Rita SHULMAN
♥ Trained in both Western and Japanese Reiki
♥ NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists) Certified Hypnotherapist
♥ Speaks English and Russian
Shihan Julia LEVANT
New York, NY USA

Inamoto Sensei taught me that you don’t have to understand everything, have all the answers and define everything. In his words, all you need to do is “put your hands, surrender, and smile”. And I’ve been putting my hands, surrendering to the best of my ability, and smiling ever since.
- Julia LEVANT
Place Your Hands, Surrender, Smile

Inamoto Sensei with Shihan Julia Levant
How did Reiki come to your life?
I first heard of Reiki when I was a student at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition seven years ago. I used to read different things on the IIN’s on-line forum, and stumbled upon a few posts by some of my fellow students mentioning Reiki. I had no idea what Reiki was, but decided to look into it, and thought I may just check it out, as I was not in a good place in life at the time, on more than one level, was in a desperate need of help, and was eager to explore anything that could provide me with that much-needed help. Years ago, my boyfriend Dave practiced martial arts with someone who he recalled was also a Reiki practitioner. Dave called that man to find out about a good place to learn Reiki, and that’s how I found my way into the Center of Living Light – a wonderful community to learn and practice Western Reiki, and my first Reiki Master, Ascension Hernandez.
When and how did you meet Inamoto Sensei?
My friend and actually a colleague at the time – Dana Young – mentioned to me in one of our work IM conversations some time in 2010 that she was coming to New York for a two-day training in Komyo Reiki Kai with a Japanese teacher. And that’s how I first learned of the existence of Komyo Reiki Kai. I was very fortunate to be able to attend Hyakuten's Sensei’s training in the summer of 2010. I later repeated the training in 2011.
What do you like about Komyo Reiki?
Right from the start, Komyo Reiki Kai greatly resonated with me. I knew from the first day of the 2010 training that that was the kind of Reiki I wanted to practice. I love its humble simplicity. It changed the way I practice Reiki. Now, to me, as far as practicing Reiki, less is more. Inamoto Sensei taught me that you don’t have to understand everything, have all the answers and define everything. In his words, all you need to do is “put your hands, surrender, and smile”. And I’ve been putting my hands, surrendering to the best of my ability, and smiling ever since. Still working on improving the surrendering part.
About Julia LEVANT
♥ Trained in both Western and Japanese Reiki
♥ Trained as a Health Coach
♥ Ordained Interfaith Minister
♥ Speaks English and Russian
I first heard of Reiki when I was a student at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition seven years ago. I used to read different things on the IIN’s on-line forum, and stumbled upon a few posts by some of my fellow students mentioning Reiki. I had no idea what Reiki was, but decided to look into it, and thought I may just check it out, as I was not in a good place in life at the time, on more than one level, was in a desperate need of help, and was eager to explore anything that could provide me with that much-needed help. Years ago, my boyfriend Dave practiced martial arts with someone who he recalled was also a Reiki practitioner. Dave called that man to find out about a good place to learn Reiki, and that’s how I found my way into the Center of Living Light – a wonderful community to learn and practice Western Reiki, and my first Reiki Master, Ascension Hernandez.
When and how did you meet Inamoto Sensei?
My friend and actually a colleague at the time – Dana Young – mentioned to me in one of our work IM conversations some time in 2010 that she was coming to New York for a two-day training in Komyo Reiki Kai with a Japanese teacher. And that’s how I first learned of the existence of Komyo Reiki Kai. I was very fortunate to be able to attend Hyakuten's Sensei’s training in the summer of 2010. I later repeated the training in 2011.
What do you like about Komyo Reiki?
Right from the start, Komyo Reiki Kai greatly resonated with me. I knew from the first day of the 2010 training that that was the kind of Reiki I wanted to practice. I love its humble simplicity. It changed the way I practice Reiki. Now, to me, as far as practicing Reiki, less is more. Inamoto Sensei taught me that you don’t have to understand everything, have all the answers and define everything. In his words, all you need to do is “put your hands, surrender, and smile”. And I’ve been putting my hands, surrendering to the best of my ability, and smiling ever since. Still working on improving the surrendering part.
About Julia LEVANT
♥ Trained in both Western and Japanese Reiki
♥ Trained as a Health Coach
♥ Ordained Interfaith Minister
♥ Speaks English and Russian
Shihan Jan KOEHLER
New York, NY USA

Inamoto Sensei with Shihan Jan Koehler
I respect that Inamoto Sensei’s teaching is close to the original. There is something else though, that is very important for me. He says nothing negative, ever! He is truthful, respectful and has a gentle sense of humor. These are important qualities in healing.
How did Reiki came to your life?
I became interested in spiritual healing while practicing shiatsu in the early 80s and experiencing the deep connection between practitioner and receiver. I met a Reiki practitioner and received Reiki. I was aware that something special was coming through her touch.
At that time Reiki training was very expensive. I did however continue to study different forms of healing. When I accepted the massage therapy position at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Reiki level one and two were taught on-site by Wendy Miner, our massage supervisor. It was a requirement for the job. I was hooked. I went on to receive master/teacher level in the Takata tradition.
When and how did you meet Inamoto Sensei?
I was informed about Sensei’s coming to NYC by my supervisor Wendy Miner. Three of us from my job attended. My first training with Inamoto Sensei was in 2008
What do you like about Komyo Reiki?
I respect that Inamoto Sensei’s teaching is close to the original. There is something else though, that is very important for me. He says nothing negative, ever! He is truthful, respectful and has a gentle sense of humor. These are important qualities in healing. I am grateful for all opportunities to practice Komyo Reiki because it helps me to put my ego aside and work from a place of love. It heals me.
♥ Trained in Japanese and Western Reiki
♥ NYS licensed massage therapist with a focus on Japanese/Chinese
♥ Komyo ReikiDo Shihan 2008
♥ Repeat Shinpiden with Inamoto Sensei 2010, 2011, 2012, 2019
How did Reiki came to your life?
I became interested in spiritual healing while practicing shiatsu in the early 80s and experiencing the deep connection between practitioner and receiver. I met a Reiki practitioner and received Reiki. I was aware that something special was coming through her touch.
At that time Reiki training was very expensive. I did however continue to study different forms of healing. When I accepted the massage therapy position at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Reiki level one and two were taught on-site by Wendy Miner, our massage supervisor. It was a requirement for the job. I was hooked. I went on to receive master/teacher level in the Takata tradition.
When and how did you meet Inamoto Sensei?
I was informed about Sensei’s coming to NYC by my supervisor Wendy Miner. Three of us from my job attended. My first training with Inamoto Sensei was in 2008
What do you like about Komyo Reiki?
I respect that Inamoto Sensei’s teaching is close to the original. There is something else though, that is very important for me. He says nothing negative, ever! He is truthful, respectful and has a gentle sense of humor. These are important qualities in healing. I am grateful for all opportunities to practice Komyo Reiki because it helps me to put my ego aside and work from a place of love. It heals me.
♥ Trained in Japanese and Western Reiki
♥ NYS licensed massage therapist with a focus on Japanese/Chinese
♥ Komyo ReikiDo Shihan 2008
♥ Repeat Shinpiden with Inamoto Sensei 2010, 2011, 2012, 2019
Shihan (師範) is a Japanese term, often used in Japanese martial arts as an honorific title for expert or senior instructors.
Shihan in Komyo ReikiDo is a teacher, a person who, while teaching, continues to learn something from his students.
The Reiki teacher does not teach the student how to live; on the contrary, he helps him learn how to choose and then,
the student has to undertake the path towards spiritual enlightenment himself.
Shihan in Komyo ReikiDo is a teacher, a person who, while teaching, continues to learn something from his students.
The Reiki teacher does not teach the student how to live; on the contrary, he helps him learn how to choose and then,
the student has to undertake the path towards spiritual enlightenment himself.
Shihan Cerise CORE ♥ Shihan Lisa CHAPMAN-SORCI ♥
Shihan Charles DRAY Shihan Cathy PASCALE ♥Shihan Thin Thin LAY
Shihan Dana Lisa YOUNG
Shihan Ellen ADAMS ♥ Shihan Dr. Harold BOB, MD ♥ Shihan Lorraine "Lori" DELGADO♥ Shihan David GLEEKEL
Shihan Karen PISCHKE, RN
Shihan Durriyya ABDULLAH ♥ Shihan Anthony ADAMSON ♥ Shihan Natalie WINTER ♥ Shihan Julia SHULMAN ♥ Shihan Rene IRAHETA ♥
Shihan Daisy COLLADO ♥ Shihan Nicole GARVIN ♥ Shihan Vicki PETRELLA ♥ Shihan Lissa Rose V. MARQUEZ.♥ Shihan Wen-Chi CHEN ♥ Shihan Bret STEIERZ ♥ Shihan Rita SHULMAN ♥ Shihan Andrew WILLETT ♥ Shihan Tania PESANTEZ ♥ Shihan Sachiko KOMAGATA ♥ Shihan Regina J. BONILLARODRIGUEZ ♥ Shihan Marta HERNANDEZ ♥ Shihan Julia LEVANT ♥ Shihan Manna LU-WONG, RN ♥ Shihan Liz WASSELL♥ Shihan Rosemary WINSLOW ♥ Shihan Jan KOEHLER ♥ Shihan Maggie LAW ♥ Shihan Andrew WILLETT ♥ Shihan Lissa Rose V. MARQUEZ
♥ Shihan Allan FONG ♥ Shihan Sylvie FREMONT ♥ Shihan Carmen de JESUS RODRIGUEZ ♥ Shihan Louisya GRAVES ♥ Shihan David GORCZYNSKI ♥ Shihan Rose JIMENEZ ♥ Shihan Nechama KARP ♥ Shihan Kathie LIPINSKI, RN ♥ Shihan Ginny MACKLES ♥ Shihan Mary McQUAID ♥ Shihan Rissa GREY-MYRIE ♥ Shihan Kristine REED ♥ Shihan Theresa SCHILIZZI ♥ Shihan Faith SUPPLE ♥♥Shihan Barbara TIERNEY ♥ Shihan Michael PAFFORD ♥ Shihan Hua Qi WANG ♥ Shihan Shao Zhong ZHANG ♥ Shihan Nora AISLIM ♥
Shihan Sylvia A. STURM
NOTE: Ask Shihans listed above if they are teaching exclusively Komyo ReikiDo and using Original Komyo ReikiDo Manuals. INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei, Founder, Komyo ReikiDo disallow Online Reiju (Attunements).
Shihan Cerise CORE ♥ Shihan Lisa CHAPMAN-SORCI ♥
Shihan Charles DRAY Shihan Cathy PASCALE ♥Shihan Thin Thin LAY
Shihan Dana Lisa YOUNG
Shihan Ellen ADAMS ♥ Shihan Dr. Harold BOB, MD ♥ Shihan Lorraine "Lori" DELGADO♥ Shihan David GLEEKEL
Shihan Karen PISCHKE, RN
Shihan Durriyya ABDULLAH ♥ Shihan Anthony ADAMSON ♥ Shihan Natalie WINTER ♥ Shihan Julia SHULMAN ♥ Shihan Rene IRAHETA ♥
Shihan Daisy COLLADO ♥ Shihan Nicole GARVIN ♥ Shihan Vicki PETRELLA ♥ Shihan Lissa Rose V. MARQUEZ.♥ Shihan Wen-Chi CHEN ♥ Shihan Bret STEIERZ ♥ Shihan Rita SHULMAN ♥ Shihan Andrew WILLETT ♥ Shihan Tania PESANTEZ ♥ Shihan Sachiko KOMAGATA ♥ Shihan Regina J. BONILLARODRIGUEZ ♥ Shihan Marta HERNANDEZ ♥ Shihan Julia LEVANT ♥ Shihan Manna LU-WONG, RN ♥ Shihan Liz WASSELL♥ Shihan Rosemary WINSLOW ♥ Shihan Jan KOEHLER ♥ Shihan Maggie LAW ♥ Shihan Andrew WILLETT ♥ Shihan Lissa Rose V. MARQUEZ
♥ Shihan Allan FONG ♥ Shihan Sylvie FREMONT ♥ Shihan Carmen de JESUS RODRIGUEZ ♥ Shihan Louisya GRAVES ♥ Shihan David GORCZYNSKI ♥ Shihan Rose JIMENEZ ♥ Shihan Nechama KARP ♥ Shihan Kathie LIPINSKI, RN ♥ Shihan Ginny MACKLES ♥ Shihan Mary McQUAID ♥ Shihan Rissa GREY-MYRIE ♥ Shihan Kristine REED ♥ Shihan Theresa SCHILIZZI ♥ Shihan Faith SUPPLE ♥♥Shihan Barbara TIERNEY ♥ Shihan Michael PAFFORD ♥ Shihan Hua Qi WANG ♥ Shihan Shao Zhong ZHANG ♥ Shihan Nora AISLIM ♥
Shihan Sylvia A. STURM
NOTE: Ask Shihans listed above if they are teaching exclusively Komyo ReikiDo and using Original Komyo ReikiDo Manuals. INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei, Founder, Komyo ReikiDo disallow Online Reiju (Attunements).