Komyo ReikiDo Okuden-Inner Teaching /3rd Degree)
- Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN, CCRN Alumnus
Key words:
The doorway to a spiritual path
Inner Teaching (spiritual cultivation and upliftment)
Peace and prosperity
.Focus: spiritual practice of Reiki Ryoho, i.e.. one's spiritual cultivation and upliftment
Aim: to live a healthy, peaceful and prosperous life, i.e., to live a happy life
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden Certificate
$555.00 via PayPal
$250.00 for Repeat Students via PayPal
$300.00 for Komyo ReikiDo Shinpiden Follow-up Training
Fee includes: 2 Attunements, Komyo ReikiDo Okuden Certificate of Completion, Komyo ReikiDo Okuden Manual, Practice Sessions, Light Lunch
奥 伝【OKUDEN】 -3rd level Inner Teaching
PURPOSE: Komyo ReikiDo Okuden (Inner Teaching) is intended for Reiki practitioners who want to deepen an understanding of Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art) and develop the inner growth.
Okuden means deeper knowledge or inner most. The focus of this degree is on the spiritual practice of Reiki Ryoho. It is intended for Shihan (Teacher) candidates and/or Reiki practitioners who want to depend their understanding of Reiki Ryoho and develop their inner growth. Students explore the inner teachings of Reiki Ryoho through spiritual cultivation and begin to tread on a spiritual path to "Anshin ritsumei" or Satori (Enlightenment). The fourth and final shirushi (symbol) is given along with instructions in its use and meaning. Class may be taught in one day or over several sessions (at teacher discretion)
What students will receive/learn
1. Two (2) or Three (3) Reiju (Teacher discretion)
2. The meaning, usage, and description of the fourth Japanese shirushi (symbol) and its corresponding jumon (mantra)
3. Techniques to develop the students intuition, knowledge, skill, and understanding so that they may begin to tread on the spiritual path leading to "Anshin ritsumei" or "Satori" (enlightenment)
* You will be given the fourth shirushi or symbol after receiving Reiju (initiation/attunement).
* You will learn to use the fourth shirushi (symbol).
Attendees/Participants are required to attend the entire session and complete an evaluation
Attendees/Participants are required to attend the entire session and complete an evaluation
Komyo ReikiDo New York Welcomes You!
Repeat Students are welcome to attend at a reduced price.
Komyo ReikiDo Shihans (Teachers) are encouraged to attend Shinpiden Follow-up
Training and practice Attunements with a fellow Shihan.
Repeat Students are welcome to attend at a reduced price.
Komyo ReikiDo Shihans (Teachers) are encouraged to attend Shinpiden Follow-up
Training and practice Attunements with a fellow Shihan.
Christina ROSSI, RN
Komyo ReikiDo Okuden Practitioner
Lilia is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about Reiki. Lilia is a pleasure to learn from. She is very passionate about Reiki. She is a warm and caring teacher. Her teaching techniques are excellent.
- Christina ROSSI
Komyo ReikiDo Shihan
The class was well-paced, easy to follow, very hands-on. Good relaxing atmosphere, very informative class, plenty of opportunity to ask questions-it will be helpful for my Reiki practice.
- Julia LEVANT
Natalie WINTER
-Komyo ReikiDo Shihan
Just perfect!
- Natalie WINTER