Komyo ReikiDo New York
(Formerly Komyo Reiki Kai New York)
Learn Reiki as it was taught in 1930s
The mission of Usui Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method) is to enhance mutual well-being for oneself and others, on one hand, by fulfilling a peaceful and joyful life mentally and physically and, on the other, healing the sick.
–USUI Mikao Sensei (1865-1926)
–USUI Mikao Sensei (1865-1926)
Reiki Ryoho is a healing practice that originate din Japan. Reiki practitioners place their hands lightly on or just above the person receiving treatment with the goal of facilitating the person's own healing process. In the United Stes, Reiki is part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
What is Reiki ?
Reiki is a Japanese term. Reiki is the energy of the heaven and the earth. Reiki is the enrgy of the universe which sustains all life.
Rei 靈 is the energy of the heaven.
Ki 氣 energy of the earth
The Japanese words“靈氣 Reiki can be defines as the miraculous and sacred energy of the universe which sustains life. Reiki is the name used by Usui Sensei for the universal/cosmic energy. The word "Reiki" is a common noun in the Japanese language. This cosmic energy is called with a variety of names "chi" in China; "ki" in Japan; prana in Sanskrit, and "mana" in Hawaii
What is Reiki ?
Reiki is a Japanese term. Reiki is the energy of the heaven and the earth. Reiki is the enrgy of the universe which sustains all life.
Rei 靈 is the energy of the heaven.
Ki 氣 energy of the earth
The Japanese words“靈氣 Reiki can be defines as the miraculous and sacred energy of the universe which sustains life. Reiki is the name used by Usui Sensei for the universal/cosmic energy. The word "Reiki" is a common noun in the Japanese language. This cosmic energy is called with a variety of names "chi" in China; "ki" in Japan; prana in Sanskrit, and "mana" in Hawaii
Komyo ReikiDo Classes/Training by Certified Komyo ReikiDo Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN

奥 伝【OKUDEN】- Inner Teaching /Third Degree
Presenter: Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN, CCRN Alumnus

Komyo ReikiDo Okuden (Inner Teaching)
Key words:
The doorway to a spiritual path
Inner Teaching (spiritual cultivation and upliftment)
Peace and prosperity
.Focus: spiritual practice of Reiki Ryoho, i.e.. one's spiritual cultivation and upliftment
Aim: to live a healthy, peaceful and prosperous life, i.e., to live a happy life
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden
A copy of your Komyo ReikiDo Certificate at least 6 months prior to this event. https://www.komyoreikidonewyork.com/komyo-reikido-chuden-second-degree.htmls://
It is intended for teacher candidates and for those Reiki practitioners who want to deepen an understanding of Reiki Ryoho and develop their inner growth.
What you will learn/receive
* The fourth shirushi or symbol after receiving (2) or (3) Reiju (initiation/attunement) depending on Teacher discretion.
* The meaning, usage, and description of the fourth shirushi (symbol), and corresponding jumon (mantra)
* Techniques to help students cultivate the student's intuition, knowledge, skill, and understanding so that they may begin to thread on a spiritual path to "Anshin ritsumei" or "Satori" (enlightenment)
Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
In order to receive a Certificate of Completion, Attendees/Participants are required to attend the entire session and complete an evaluation.
FEE (Via PayPal))
Komyo ReikiDo Shoden (Beginning Teaching)
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden (Intermediate/Middle)
Komyo ReikiDo Okuden (Inner Teaching)
- 6 months after Komyo ReikiDo Chuden
Komyo ReikiDo Shinpiden (Teacher Degree)
Early Registration Fee $850.00
This level is being taught by INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei, founder, Komyo ReikiDo depending upon his teaching schedule globally.
Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN, is approved by INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei to teach all levels (Komyo ReikiDo Shoden, Chuden, Okuden, and Shinpiden. She believes that Komyo ReikiDo (The Way of Komyo Reiki) is a never ending path to spiritual development and mind body improvement to enhance the mutual wellbeing of oneself and others. Learning is a lifelong journey. As a Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Holistic Nurse) and many other holistic modalities that she’s continuously learning to heal oneself, the practice of Reiki Ryoho is one of her passion. She’s committed and a dedicated Komyo ReikiDo Shihan. She’s passionate to share with you what she learned from Inamoto Sensei by incorporating the practice of Reiki Ryoho in her daily life guided by Reiki Kyogi (Reiki Principles), Gokai (Reiki Precepts).
All Komyo ReikiDo Classes includes Komyo ReikiDo Attunements, Original (Updated) Komyo ReikiDo Manuals use by INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei founder, Komyo ReikiDo, Practice Sessions.
Komyo ReikiDo Classes being taught by Certified Komyo ReikiDo Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN
Key words:
The doorway to a spiritual path
Inner Teaching (spiritual cultivation and upliftment)
Peace and prosperity
.Focus: spiritual practice of Reiki Ryoho, i.e.. one's spiritual cultivation and upliftment
Aim: to live a healthy, peaceful and prosperous life, i.e., to live a happy life
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden
A copy of your Komyo ReikiDo Certificate at least 6 months prior to this event. https://www.komyoreikidonewyork.com/komyo-reikido-chuden-second-degree.htmls://
It is intended for teacher candidates and for those Reiki practitioners who want to deepen an understanding of Reiki Ryoho and develop their inner growth.
What you will learn/receive
* The fourth shirushi or symbol after receiving (2) or (3) Reiju (initiation/attunement) depending on Teacher discretion.
* The meaning, usage, and description of the fourth shirushi (symbol), and corresponding jumon (mantra)
* Techniques to help students cultivate the student's intuition, knowledge, skill, and understanding so that they may begin to thread on a spiritual path to "Anshin ritsumei" or "Satori" (enlightenment)
Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
In order to receive a Certificate of Completion, Attendees/Participants are required to attend the entire session and complete an evaluation.
FEE (Via PayPal))
Komyo ReikiDo Shoden (Beginning Teaching)
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden (Intermediate/Middle)
Komyo ReikiDo Okuden (Inner Teaching)
- 6 months after Komyo ReikiDo Chuden
Komyo ReikiDo Shinpiden (Teacher Degree)
Early Registration Fee $850.00
This level is being taught by INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei, founder, Komyo ReikiDo depending upon his teaching schedule globally.
Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN, is approved by INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei to teach all levels (Komyo ReikiDo Shoden, Chuden, Okuden, and Shinpiden. She believes that Komyo ReikiDo (The Way of Komyo Reiki) is a never ending path to spiritual development and mind body improvement to enhance the mutual wellbeing of oneself and others. Learning is a lifelong journey. As a Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Holistic Nurse) and many other holistic modalities that she’s continuously learning to heal oneself, the practice of Reiki Ryoho is one of her passion. She’s committed and a dedicated Komyo ReikiDo Shihan. She’s passionate to share with you what she learned from Inamoto Sensei by incorporating the practice of Reiki Ryoho in her daily life guided by Reiki Kyogi (Reiki Principles), Gokai (Reiki Precepts).
All Komyo ReikiDo Classes includes Komyo ReikiDo Attunements, Original (Updated) Komyo ReikiDo Manuals use by INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei founder, Komyo ReikiDo, Practice Sessions.
Komyo ReikiDo Classes being taught by Certified Komyo ReikiDo Shihan Lilia V. Marquez, RN
INAMOTO Sensei with Shihan Lilia V. Marquez
New York City, 2010

INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei & Lilia
New York, NY U.S.A
This was an outstanding experience. Lilia was not only knowledgeable but kind enough to repeat the material to make sure the concepts were well absorbed. I was treated with treated with respect and was taught compassion and quality of care. I loved it!
-Barbara Matallana, R.N.
Thank you Lilia for creating such well organized Reiki class. The handouts are beautifully done... Just like the way I'd like to learn it. I am very glad that I got to learn from the direct descendant teacher from Usui Sensei. I look forward to attending all other levels.
It has been a wonderful experience, very powerful and inspiring!
-Wen-Chi CHEN, LAc
Komyo ReikiDo Shihan(Teacher)
Enjoyed the 2 days experience very much
-Chenchen K. WONG, RN
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden Practitioner
Shudan Reiki was powerful ... It made me more relaxed-my shoulder pain is gone.
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden Practitioner
Asian Outreach Clinic
I love the experience and knowledge
-Natalie WINTER
Komyo ReikiDo Shihan
Lilia engaged us in exchanging experiences and ideas... this made the classroom setting more comforting. I am ready to learn more.
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden Practitioner
Very valuable information and practice on self healing and on healing others...
Great teaching! Great practice sessions! The learning method is very appropriate and effective. Great Teacher! Lessons are valuable for healing process and stress management and essentially needed by our modern times.
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden Practitioner
This was an outstanding experience. Lilia was not only knowledgeable but kind enough to repeat the material to make sure the concepts were well absorbed. I was treated with treated with respect and was taught compassion and quality of care. I loved it!
-Barbara Matallana, R.N.
Thank you Lilia for creating such well organized Reiki class. The handouts are beautifully done... Just like the way I'd like to learn it. I am very glad that I got to learn from the direct descendant teacher from Usui Sensei. I look forward to attending all other levels.
It has been a wonderful experience, very powerful and inspiring!
-Wen-Chi CHEN, LAc
Komyo ReikiDo Shihan(Teacher)
Enjoyed the 2 days experience very much
-Chenchen K. WONG, RN
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden Practitioner
Shudan Reiki was powerful ... It made me more relaxed-my shoulder pain is gone.
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden Practitioner
Asian Outreach Clinic
I love the experience and knowledge
-Natalie WINTER
Komyo ReikiDo Shihan
Lilia engaged us in exchanging experiences and ideas... this made the classroom setting more comforting. I am ready to learn more.
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden Practitioner
Very valuable information and practice on self healing and on healing others...
Great teaching! Great practice sessions! The learning method is very appropriate and effective. Great Teacher! Lessons are valuable for healing process and stress management and essentially needed by our modern times.
Komyo ReikiDo Chuden Practitioner